Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Why You Need a D-Team

Being a college student can be tough. As a Christian college student it can be all out war. The college culture is a tough place to walk in obedience to Jesus. As the semester kicks off one of the things we want to encourage you to do is find a few people to help you in the fight against sin. Our ministry does that in what we call D-Teams. 

What is a D-Team?

  • A group of 2- 4 people
  • Same gender 
  • Meet weekly 
  • Three purposes 
  •      Confess sin in mutual accountability
         Read scripture in context and community
         Pray regularly for people who need Jesus
What are the Advantages of a D-Team?
  • Relationship (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12): Life transformation does not happen in a vacuum; it happens in relationship with others. For most, it is difficult to have the kind of close-knit bond that can change lives with more than three people at any one time. The best context for life-changing community is in a group of two or four.
  • Accountability (1 Timothy 5:19): Few things in life get done without some degree of account-ability. In the pursuit of godliness we need accountability to one another. It’s hard to be ac-countable to more than two or three people at a time. We can find support with a small group who knows and understands our life.
  • Confidentiality (Matthew 18:15-17): Confession of sin is needed for cleansing, healing, and preparation for a life of service, and a safe place is essential. Two or three others of your same gender, who know and care about you and who are also sharing their own struggles, provide as safe a place as one can find.
  • Flexibility (Matthew 18:20): Two to four busy people can coordinate their schedules and meet almost anywhere.
  • Reproducibility (2 Timothy 2:2): Simple things multiply more easily than complex things. If we learn to multiply this basic unit of the church, we have a better chance to multiply more complex groups, ministries and congregations. 
Here's a promise: If you'll commit to a D-Team and be honest and transparent it will change your walk as a follower of Christ. If you are interested in being a part of one of these life changing teams e-mail pastor Vic : vdoss@watfbc.org