Saturday, September 20, 2014

Things You Need to Know

Here are some pretty important things you need to know about if you’re a college student. 

·      Romans 3 tomorrow at 11:30. (Pastor Carlos, Mark and Vic)

·      Sunday Morning Tailgate is back! – tomorrow 11:00 AM - Grass courtyard next to Life Building

·      21 Day Challenge - starts Monday.  We'll be giving you the opportunity tomorrow to take 2 New Testaments and invite someone to go through the 21 Day Challenge (more info: HERE

·      CALLING ALL DUDES! - we have two opportunities for you to get connected to other men and learn what it means to be a biblical man.

Wednesday mornings at 6:30AM join Vic, Mark and anyone else insane enough to wake up that early in the basement at WFBC for breakfast and the Bible.     

Wednesday nights at 6:30PM join Papa Fred for FIGHT CLUB (Not your momma's Bible study) upstairs in the Life Building.  

·      Shane & Shane with J.D. Greear - September 30th at 7PM at Prince Avenue- Send North America Tour- Come here how you can be on mission to reach the largest cities in North America

·      Baptism Service - September 28th If you’ve become a Christ follower yet have never followed Jesus in believer’s baptism let us know and we’ll schedule you.

·      Watty College Tailgate – Join us this Saturday for the first official Watty College tailgate- For more information call Kelsey Greene (706) 410-8989