Friday, December 6, 2013

We're All on the Naughty List (Why You Should Read the Geneologies)

If you're like me, when you read the scriptures this Christmas season, there is a temptation to skip over or to read the genealogies with little or no interest. I mean, it's only a list of names and we want to get to the "good stuff".  You know, singing angels, and wise men and shepherds and the baby in the manger.   What can you learn from a list of names? Surprisingly there's plenty to learn from a list of names.  For example in Matthew chapter 1 we see that the grace of God is wide.  

Check this out: 

Matthew mentions five different women in this list (which was rare). Tamar, Rahab, and Bathsheba were all women of questionable behavior. Odd people to highlight in your family tree, for sure.  

Tamar was a woman who was wrongfully denied motherhood by her husband and after he died, then her brother-in-law.  They both refused to sleep with her, which was immoral and illegal.  She disguises herself as a prostitute and ends up sleeping with Judah, the son of Jacob.

Rahab was a professional prostitute in Jericho.  She’s a Gentile. 

Bathsheba, was complicit in one of the most notorious adulteries of all time, not resisting the advances of the king while her husband risked his very life on their behalf. 

 Ruth is a godly woman, but she is a Moabite (sworn enemies of Israel). 

Remember this is the family tree of Jesus! What in the world is Matthew doing here? He is showing us that God's grace is deep and wide. His grace condescends to the lowest. If you could gather all of Jesus' ancestors for Christmas dinner you'd have adulterers, prostitutes, warriors, heroes, wicked kings, good kings and Gentiles. 

In  the genealogy of Matthew, before you ever get to a baby in a manger or visits from wise men, you see the beauty and scandal of the Gospel.  The glory of Christmas is that the baby we celebrate invaded earth to save us because we need it and he loves us.  

Monday, September 23, 2013

Who were the Nephilim?

Genesis 6 introduces us to some strange characters known simply as the Nephilim.  While I'm not sure exactly what's gong on in Genesis 6:4 I do think this video is a pretty good attempt at explaining it.

We plan to post more answers to questions that you may have about Genesis.  So if you have a question let us know.

Monday, April 1, 2013

YouVersion Group

Hey gang! We now have a YouVersion group.  Don't know what YouVersion is click here to find out more.  Our group can be found here

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Great Exchange- UAB

Hey gang it's our last day here's how you can pray:

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Monday, March 11, 2013

Great Exchange Day 2 - University of Alabma

Katie Looney letting you know how you can pray:

Great Exchange Miles College part 2

Another great story:

Great Exchange Miles College

Get ready for some awesome stories:

Great Exchange - Miles College

Hey Gang!

Thanks for praying. Chris Willis is much better today.  We are headed to Miles College today to share with students there.  Our team heard two amazing sermons yesterday.  One from Harry Reeder at Briarwood Presbyterian and a sermon on personal evangelism from David Platt last night (it was perfect timing for us). 

Continue to pray for:

  • health and safety of our team
  • favor with the students and faculty we interact with
  • clear presentation of the gospel
  • that the Holy Spirit would save some students today

We'll post a video update tonight! until then follow us on twitter: TGreatExchange.  


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Great Exchange prayer update 1

Click here 

Great Exchange Road Trip

Hey gang

We will be in Alabama from March 9th thru March 14th for a mission trip. Click here for an intro video for our trip we would appreciate your prayers. Check back for regular updates on the trip.

Pastor Vic

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Personal Revival

If you're not coming with us on winter retreat please join us this Sunday for College Bible Study at 9:30AM in the basement.   Pastor David will be teaching "What are the essential ingredients in revival?" to help us kick off our  40 Days of Prayer for Personal Revival. .  Check out Pastor David's website if you get a chance he has a lot of great articles about a wide range of topics and links to his sermons.   His outline for Sunday is below or you can download it here.

40 Days of Prayer: Fresh Encounter with Jesus
What are the essential ingredients in revival?
Pastor David Holt

1.    Behold the ___________________ of God and the majesty of Christ.
Ps. 27:4

Isa. 6 

2.    Be ______________________ over your sin.
Ps. 66:18 

Isa.  59:2 

Isa. 6 

Acts 3:19

Ps. 32:1-5 

Ps. 51

Mt. 5:3f 

Luke 20:17-18

3.    Be ____________________ with the Holy Spirit.

Acts 1:4-5, 8

Acts 2

2 Cor. 3:18

Eph. 5:18

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Thursday Night Book Club

Join us each Thursday night at 7PM in the basement at WFBC as we discuss the book "Desiring God" by John Piper.   This week we will be discussing chapter 1- "The Happiness of God".  Be sure to read the chapter before you come.  If you don't have the book yet you can get a free PDF version here.  We should have some more copies of the book by Thursday.