Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Why I Deleted My Last Post

You may or may not know my last post generated a great deal of discussion. I am afraid much of it was for the wrong reason. I am thankful for some godly men whom God has placed in my life who offered loving rebukes and correction (Proverbs 27:6—Faithful are the wounds of a friend). After re-reading the post half a dozen times and listening to counsel I came to the conclusion that the tone of the post as well as some of the things I said were out of line and sinful.

I want to publically repent for over generalizing and making blanket statements about college students being irresponsible, self absorbed and not committed.

I love college students and I love the ministry God has given me to students. The truth is that at WFBC we could literally not function without the committed and deeply involved students who attend here.

I am deeply sorry for the hurt my words may have caused and ask for your forgiveness.

2 Timothy 2:24-25 says:

And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponent with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth

My hope is that my ministry would be characterized by these words. My deepest desire is that the people who God graciously allows me to do ministry with will love Jesus and hate sin. And I hope the same is true for myself.

Thank you and God Bless,



  1. Vic -
    You have always said that a mark of a true man is one that accepts responsibility and leads courageously. Sometimes that looks like rebuking and sometimes that looks like repenting. Thank you for your example in both. - Cathleen

  2. "Iron Man" you are and definitely what we need in a day when it is all too easy to "keep up the front" and pretend we're perfect.

    Thank you for your honesty and your living example of what it means to walk with Jesus

    Love you man,
    Gene Mobley

  3. You are a very fine man, Vic. Things like this can only make you finer. Romans 8:28.


  4. Sometimes, a man's gotta say what a man's gotta to say even when it's hard for others to hear. You were not speaking as "College Pastor Vic", but as "Brother in Christ, Vic". I'm thankful you are a man of God

  5. I appreciate your heart and your humility. It is a privilege to minister with you, my friend, brother, and fellow "iron man."

  6. Vic, remember that David sinned but was still known as "a man after God's own heart." Thanks for reminding everyone that it isn't about you and the rant, but glorifying God.

