Monday, February 14, 2011

Mark 8:22-38 Questions

Here are some questions to help you start thinking through the text for next Sunday in College Bible Study:

Where did the events of this story take place? (8:22)

What did the people do about the blind man’s condition? (8:22)

Here are some questions to help you get ready for College Bible Study this week

Where did Jesus perform this miracle? (8:23)

How did Jesus heal the blind man? (8:23-25)

What do we learn about Jesus’ character from the way He treated the blind man? (8:23-26)

What did Jesus urge the man to do after he was healed? (8:26)

Where did this episode take place? (8:27)

How did the disciples respond to Jesus’ question? (8:28)

How had people connected Jesus with Elijah, John the Baptist, and other prophets? (8:28)

How did Jesus make this discussion personal? (8:29)

How did the disciples answer Jesus’ question? (8:29)

Who did Peter say Jesus was? (8:29)

What warning did Jesus give His disciples? (8:30)

How did Jesus speak about what would happen to Him? (8:32)

How was what Jesus predicted different from what Peter expected? (8:32)

Why did Jesus rebuke Peter? (8:33)

In what way did Peter have in mind the "things of man" as opposed to the "things of God"? (8:33)

What did Jesus want His disciples to do? (8:34-35)

Why did Jesus say, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me"? (8:34-38)

How will Jesus come back to earth? (8:38)

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